Another tip, to use a USB mobile internet stick, and you can upload your
video files to a Google drive cloud.

Fred Kemp <fk...@mindspring.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2022. febr. 22., K,

>      I need help in trying to develop a security camera for a remote
> area of a farm.  There is no internet in some places there and some of
> the motion videos may be long, e.g., 20 to 30 minutes.
>      So, I would like to be able to record these longer motion videos on
> a Raspberry Pi locally, concatenate them and then be able to somehow
> quickly review the compilation/concatenated video on a video player and
> then download the snippet(s) of video to a smart phone.
>      I'm looking for direction as far as software goes.  I am not tech
> savvy but I know enough to see this project possibly going down a number
> of dead ends as I learn about the limitations of various software
> packages.  Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
>      I was thinking of possibly:
>  1.     Recording motion using Motion or MotionEyes to a particular
>     directory for the day,
>  2.     Then using FFMpeg to possibly automatically concatenate the
>     videos in that directory into one bigger file, and
>  3.     Then using a video player to scroll through the video and
>     download a particular segment to my iPhone.
>      Is this possible?
>     Thank you in advance for your time!
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