Am 03.06.2022 um 17:30 schrieb Paul B Mahol:
On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 5:05 PM Michael Koch <>


I'd like to ask if the number of variables in expressions could be
increased from 10 to 25 please. I mean the st() and ld() functions. I'm
just programming a realtime wormhole simulation and the limitation to 10
variables is becoming nasty. I did already begin to re-use the same
variables for different things, but that makes debugging complicated. It
would be so much easier to have more variables and use each one only for
one thing.
What you see below is only a small part of the code.

Why you doing that way, this is the most inefficient way to do it.

Computing time doesn't care in this case. The code is only generating the mapping files for the remap filter.
In the realtime part of the simulation are no complicated functions.
I can solve the problem with just 10 variables, but it would be much easier (and better readable code) if more variables were available.


  ASTRO ELECTRONIC   Dipl.-Ing. Michael Koch
       Raabestr. 43   37412 Herzberg

  Tel. +49 5521 854265   Fax +49 5521 854266

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