Hi.  I have some old SD & HD recordings in MPEG-2 Transport Stream format, mostly recorded off my U.S. cable-box 1394 port with CapDVHS.  My end-goal is to transcode these to interlaced AVC, while preserving the optional embedded Closed Captions.  Per MediaInfo, the CCs are in EIA-608 and EIA-708 format, (DTVCC Transport) muxed into the main video stream.

I've tried various software to do the transcoding, but the only one that preserves the CCs is ffmpeg.  It even lets me use the MP4 container format (which my old versions of Sony Vegas read, unlike MKV), thanks to the single muxed video stream.  A command like this (using a recent gyan.dev Windows build, run from Cygwin bash) works almost perfectly:

% ffmpeg -y -i tvshow.ts -map 0 -c:v libx264 -b:v 5500k -flags +ildct+ilme -threads 0 -pass 1 -fps_mode cfr -f null /dev/null && ffmpeg -i tvshow.ts -map 0 -c:v libx264 -b:v 5500k -flags +ildct+ilme -threads 0 -pass 2 -fps_mode cfr -c:a copy -c:s copy tvshow.mp4

(Not 100% sure the -c:s copy is necessary.  Also, I had to avoid using slow presets, as they cause originally good frames after dropouts to contain new corruption artifacts, presumably due to more aggressive reference framing into the corrupt areas.)

The one glaring problem is that the .MP4 is over 30 seconds shorter than the .TS.  The reason for this is occasional corrupt frame-sequences.  When watching the original TS with VLC, at these points, the video freezes and the audio goes silent for the expected duration, then resumes, which I want.

In the transcoded MP4, the munged parts are just skipped over, so someone will be cut off mid-word, and then the next frame, it immediately jumps to where the signal came back, continuing mid-someone-else's-word.  Very jarring, and hides how much time is missing in each dropout.

The docs say that when using -vsync/-fps_mode cfr, "Frames will be duplicated and dropped to achieve exactly the requested constant frame rate."  Does this only apply to VFR->CFR conversion, not to handling of corrupt frames?  Is there any way to get ffmpeg to preserve these time-slices, either by repeating the last good frame, or showing a black frame or color bars?

Using 'NVEncC64 --avsync forcecfr' properly includes these sequences, and matches the source length, with correct sync.  But it doesn't preserve the CCs.  Looks like I might be able to get it to work if I add Caption2Ass to convert them to subtitles, but I'd prefer to leave them as-is.

Things I've tried that didn't work include doing a simple -c copy to another .TS file before transcoding, adding an explicit -r framerate, -fflags genpts/igndts/sortdts, and more.  I didn't try messing with -async and -adrift_threshold, since the audio also drops out during the corruptions.

I can use different (free) software if someone has a suggestion, but it seems impossible that ffmpeg has no way to do this...?

Dan Harkless

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