Thanks, it kinda worked for me, but it seems like it's dependent on the
length of the inserted audio. For example if I have a 2 minute audio and
try to replace some parts of it with audio that is 1 minute long, for the
first minute of the audio it works fine but if I try to replace parts above
1 minute it doesn't work. I guess it's because it tries to pick parts of
the audio above 1 minute, but it doesn't exist, because the audio is only 1
minute long. How can I replace any part of the audio with another audio
that starts playing from the beginning?

On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 10:26 AM Michael Koch <>

> Am 22.01.2023 um 23:52 schrieb Reino Wijnsma:
> > Hello Michael,
> >
> > On 2023-01-22T18:50:20+0100, Michael Koch <>
> wrote:
> >> This command line works with asendcmd and astreamselect:
> >>
> >> ffmpeg -i audio1.wav -i audio2.wav -lavfi asendcmd="4 astreamselect map
> 1",asendcmd="6 astreamselect map 0",astreamselect=map=0 -y out.wav
> >>
> >>
> >> However with amix filter I have no idea what's the syntax for the
> string inside the string. It doesn't work.
> >>
> >> ffmpeg -i audio1.wav -i audio2.wav -lavfi asendcmd="4 amix weights '0
> 1'",amix=weights='1 0' -y out.wav
> > You've got your quotes all wrong. Always surround the complete
> filter-chain with double quotes and use single quotes for the individual
> filters.
> >
> > ffmpeg -i audio1.wav -i audio2.wav -lavfi "asendcmd='4 astreamselect map
> 1',asendcmd='6 astreamselect map 0',astreamselect=map=0" -y out.wav
> >
> > ffmpeg -i audio1.wav -i audio2.wav -lavfi "asendcmd='4 amix weights
> '\\\'0 1\\\',amix=weights='1 0'" -y out.wav
> Thank you!
> Michael
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