Am 21.04.23 um 01:32 schrieb Thilo Borgmann:
Hi all,

the break after the pandemic has stopped for the LinuxDays in Prague this year as well. Thus, FFmpeg will be at the Linux Days 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic from October 7th to 8th! Find more information on their homepage. The 2023 english version linked here is still outdated but should update soon-ish (tm).

We will man a booth with our staff and are happily waiting for our users to get in touch with us!

If you're a developer and want to help us or just want to visit and check in at our booth, please let us know. FFmpeg can sponsor your travels and accommodation in Prague for the duration of the conference!

We would like to encourage everyone visiting the CLT to bring us sample files
and/or command lines that show suspicious or buggy behavior - this will be your
change to get your bug fixed right away!

See you in Prague!

I returned form the LDP last weekend where we had many interested users 
Showed a usual webcam-based demo and gave away some T-Shirts, helped out with 
some command lines.

There have been some samples brought to us though during the second day where
users experienced problems transcoding/dec.
For one, that is a DVB-T2 recording, FFmpeg is actually fine with the file and
it looked like a VLC regression since 3.0.18 (VLC freezes). Plays fine in my
3.0.6. and the users 3.0.9, so its all VLC's fault. Files are available 0:-)
The other was a tuning issue for libsvtav1 where -profile appears broken for his
FFmpeg version 6.0... though a proper -preset was sufficient to help out.

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