
First of all, nice project and thanks for open sourcing it.

Let me cut to the chase, is there a possibility to tell fIcy to slice
a single recording stream into separate files without exiting? Its not
clear from the docs. I can do it via a script, launching fIcy in a
loop giving it a maximum amount of time (-M), setting the file name
appropriately and starting again every time I want a new file to be
generated from the same stream.
This has the obvious problem of loosing stream information while
reconnecting and recording starts again; also creating other issues,
like potentially loosing a place in a limited listeners pool and never
being able to rejoin the stream.

Another possibility would be to create another program/script that
handles the slicing while reading from a pipe that fIcy uses to send
audio data, but this also introduces other problems.

I find this use case quite common, is there a way to achieve this with
fIcy right now?



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