Open Heart

*The heart is like a flower-----*
*unless it is open it cannot release its fragrance into the world. *
*The fragrance of the heart is made up of the qualities and virtues of our
spirit. *
*Most of us have learned how to keep our heart closed in a world that *
*would trample all over us if we let it. *
*Being open hearted today seems to require tremendous courage. *
*It is a courage which comes only when we realize that no one can hurt us, *
*no matter what they say or do. *
*They may hurt our body, but if we have realized we are spirit, *
*nothing outside can touch us, if we so decide. Little by little,*
* practice opening your heart to those you think have hurt you. *
*Realize it wasn't them that hurt you, it was yourself. *
*And it taught you not to trust and you closed your heart. *
*A closed heart is in need of opening. And when you do,*
* you will have begun to heal yourself.*

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*I believe in God as being creator of all and pray he continues to Bless
America, our Troops & Our Allies**
*To continue being one nation under God and to keep our freedom, continue
reminding your local and Federal representatives. especially the newly


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