ObamaCare is coming down!

  Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

       There are many new developments suggesting that the
       ObamaCare healthcare "reform" bill is in much greater
       jeopardy than its radically liberal supporters have
       been willing to admit.  Working together, we can
       stop this socialist, anti-life, fiscal disaster
       before it is fully implemented.  You can count on
       Liberty Counsel doing everything possible to
       defeat ObamaCare!  Please read my important
       update below - Mat.


Those who insisted it was merely a "symbolic" victory when
the ObamaCare repeal bill passed the House by a wide margin
must now deal with the fact that it has just been officially
placed on the Senate calendar!

This opens the door for American citizens, the majority of
whom favor repealing this healthcare disaster, to DEMAND
the Senate take action. The pressure on Senate Majority
Leader to allow the House-passed repeal bill onto the
Senate floor is increasing fast!

Meanwhile, we have just learned that our powerful lawsuit
against ObamaCare will be heard at the Fourth Circuit Court
of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, in early May.  Our suit
conclusively demonstrates that ObamaCare is unconstitutional
and must be struck down!

But as crucially important as defeating ObamaCare may be -
whether in court or in the legislature - there are many
other assaults on our liberty in 2011 that must also be
immediately addressed.

++These are perilous times that call for unusual commitment!

In 2011, I expect strong attacks on our freedom of speech,
our freedom of association, and the rights of religious
groups to address the issues of our day in public forums.

We must also be ready to defend against Big Government
"solutions" like regulatory attacks on the Internet,
censorship of talk radio and television, the reemergence
of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine," and the promotion
of special rights for "oppressed" sub-cultures like homosexual
groups and individuals.

For instance, the ACLU has become so bold as to attempt
to actually CRIMINALIZE Christianity, launching a prototype
legal snare in a rural school district in Florida's
panhandle region.

The fabric of our society has never been under such devastating
attack!  Prayer - a criminal act?  Homosexuality endorsed and
encouraged by federal law?  Liberty Counsel will do everything
legally possible to reverse these outrageous trends!

At Liberty Counsel, we have long realized that patriotic
Americans need effective legal advocates to defend and
restore our cherished liberties and protections under the
law.  Our situation at the beginning of 2011 is just as
perilous as that faced by the founding generation at our
nation's birth!

In fact, Benjamin Franklin's famous saying is just as relevant
today as it was then:

           "We must all hang together, or most assuredly,
           we shall all hang separately!"

There is great value in associating to protect the common
interests of our members.  Standing alone, none of us could
withstand the tyrannical anti-faith, anti-family forces
pressing on our culture today.  But together, we can prevail -
just as we are defeating ObamaCare!

Jerry, the difference between success or failure,
victory or defeat, is one person willing to stand up for
the Truth!  I need you to stand with Liberty Counsel in 2011
as never before. Can I count on you?

           I am taking a "roll call" and want to know who
           will stand for liberty, life and family throughout
           2011. Simply for saying, "Mat, you can count on
           me," I will be honored to send you a 2011 Liberty
           Counsel Membership Card. It's as easy as that.

Your membership in the Liberty Counsel team will help provide
the information, resources, and impact of a large group
necessary for all of us to overcome the seemingly endless
assaults on our cherished liberties.

Click here for your easy registration:


++We will all need godly courage and the advantages of
association in the days ahead.

As a committed member of our team, you are joining hundreds
of thousands of your fellow Americans who believe that God
has called us to reflect His love and justice; that God
created the law for good, even though some people pervert
the law for evil; that every adversity presents a corresponding
opportunity; and that when we show up in defense of true
liberty that we can win and God will be glorified!

Liberty Counsel opens doors that were shut to the Gospel,
and keeps those doors open.  We defend the defenseless -
the unborn who cannot speak for themselves.  We defend the
family against those who want to dismantle the bedrock
institution of our society.

And Liberty Counsel enables many other ministries to fulfill
their callings, thus extending your reach into every battle
we fight for our ministry clients throughout the country.

But we cannot show up to fight without your support! Click
here to register your affiliation with Liberty Counsel's
aggressive defense of our liberties:


Your 2011 Liberty Counsel Membership Card symbolizes your
faithful support and key role in helping this ministry
advance religious freedom, champion the sanctity of human
life, and defend the family.

It is a laminated, durable, personalized testimony to your
patriotism and thoughtful citizenship.  And it prominently
features our toll-free phone number if you find your rights
are being threatened and you need to review the situation
with us.

Will you stand with Liberty Counsel in 2011? Click here to
join us and to see our exclusive membership card.


With the help of thousands of committed Liberty Counsel
Members, we will continue making an impact on our culture
throughout 2011.  Now more than ever, it is vitally important
that we be able to "show up" and secure the liberties that
are increasingly under attack in our beloved nation.

           Your support will also help keep our legal team
           engaged in defeating ObamaCare in court, stopping
           the ACLU's outrageous attacks on religious liberty,
           and in other crucial cases in defense of life,
           liberty, and family.

You Liberty Counsel Membership will keep you in the forefront
of information and calls to action during what may prove to
be one of the most important years in our nation's history!
Thank you in advance for responding.

God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Each member plays a vital role in Liberty Counsel's
outreach.  From the lawyers who defend freedom in the courts,
to the receptionist who answers the phone, to each member
who supports us with prayer and financial gifts - each
person, no matter how great or small their role, has a
share in the fruit of this ministry! Thank you for joining
with us:


 *Permission is granted to share.* However, please remove my name before
forwarding. Should you not be able to delete my name, please do not share
with others*. THANK YOU.
*I believe in God as being creator of all and pray he continues to Bless
America, our Troops & Our Allies**
*To continue being one nation under God and to keep our freedom, continue
reminding your local and Federal representatives. especially the newly


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