The Journey of the Soul

*Your heart is filled with pain,
Your mind cluttered with confusion.*
*Pieces of your life fall around you
Like raindrops in a storm.*
*The path you chose so long ago
Led you straight to hurts door.*
*Now your weary feet struggle
To find the road back home,
Searching for the places
That love and beauty hide.*
*Temptations lie in wait all around,
Pulling at your every step,
Waiting for you to slide back
>From the chosen, sought for, path.*
*Emptiness surrounds you,
Confusing your perceptions.
It is difficult to carry on.*
*I will do my best to fill your heart with joy,
To clear the cobwebs of confusion,
Help you find your purpose.*
*I am good at catching pieces
And I can chase away a storm.*
*Let me walk your path beside you,
I have walked this road before.*
*You can lean on me when the weariness comes.
My shoulders are very strong.*
*I can not fight your battles,
Or chase away demons of the soul,
But I can lend you my strength
Until you find your own.*
*I will help you find the courage
To face each day anew.*
*I can not shorten the journey you must make,
The road is just as long as before.*
*But I can fill the emptiness
And help you reach your center,
The place where love and beauty hide.*
*Take my hand, be my friend,
Let me walk with you awhile.*


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*I believe in God as being creator of all and pray he continues to Bless
America, our Troops & Our Allies**
*To continue being one nation under God and to keep our freedom, continue
reminding your local and Federal representatives. especially the newly


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