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Remembering . . .

August 25, 2016

Read: Psalm 119:17-19, 130-134
Bible in a Year: Psalm 119:1-88; 1 Corinthians 7:20-40

I have hidden your word in my heart. —Psalm 119:11

One difficult part of growing older is the fear of dementia and the loss of
short-term memory. But Dr. Benjamin Mast, an expert on the topic of
Alzheimer’s disease, offers some encouragement. He says that patients’
brains are often so “well worn” and “habitual” that they can hear an old
hymn and sing along to every word. He suggests that spiritual disciplines
such as reading Scripture, praying, and singing hymns cause truth to become
“embedded” in our brains, ready to be accessed when prompted.

In Psalm 119:11, we read how the power of hiding God’s words in our heart
can keep us from sinning. It can strengthen us, teach us obedience, and
direct our footsteps (vv. 28, 67, 133). This in turn gives us hope and
understanding (vv. 49, 130). Even when we begin to notice memory slips in
ourselves or in the life of a loved one, God’s Word, memorized years
earlier, is still there, “stored up” or “treasured” in the heart (v. 11 esv,
nasb). Even as our minds lose the keen edge of youth, we know that God’s
words, hidden in our hearts, will continue to speak to us.

Nothing—not even failing memories—can separate us from His love and care.
We have His word on it. —Cindy Hess Kasper

*Lord, You are such an amazing comfort to us. Thank You that our salvation
and spiritual well-being does not depend on our failing minds and bodies,
but on You and Your faithfulness to Your Word.*

God’s promises never fail.

*INSIGHT:* Psalm 119 is well known as the longest chapter in the Bible. It
is an acrostic (each section beginning with a consecutive letter of the
Hebrew alphabet) that praises the goodness and value of God’s law. While it
may be tempting to ignore the significance of what the writer of this psalm
says and consider it mere poetic license, Scripture repeatedly praises the
law of God as good and valuable. Jesus Himself affirmed the value and
benefit of the law on numerous occasions. Most notably in His Sermon on the
Mount when He said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or
the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (Matt.
5:17). J.R. Hudberg

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Scriptures taken from Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®
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