Good morning,

There are a lot of moving parts here, but I'll try to sketch this out clearly. :-)

My application has code which creates a DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_VNODE to watch for changes in the backing file of an open document. When the source fires, I look at the flags and proceed based on what they indicate. A NOTE_WRITE means it's time to reload the document contents from disk, a NOTE_ATTRIB means that the modification date or some other metadata might have changed, NOTE_RENAME or NOTE_DELETE for moves, renames, and deletes, and so forth. This code is all tested and working as it should.

Next: it's possible for the user to attach AppleScript scripts to certain actions in the application; for example, a "documentDidSave" script to be called when saving has completed.

User scripts can do anything they want (within the confines of AppleScript execution), and a frequent use case is for users to write a documentDidSave script that runs the document through some transformation. So, for example, a documentDidSave script might run "astyle" to reformat source code.

Here's an extremely simple example of a -documentDidSave script, which adds "Hello World" to the end of the document that was just saved:

    on documentDidSave(doc)
        set d to (the file of doc) as text
        set f to POSIX path of file d
        set cmd to "echo \"Hello world
\" | cat >> " & quoted form of f
        do shell script cmd
    end documentDidSave

What I'm finding is that when this script runs *in my process* as the result of saving a document, I almost never get a NOTE_WRITE event, and sometimes I get a NOTE_ATTRIB that doesn't arrive until a couple of seconds after the script has run. (I have checked, and the file is being changed on disk as expected.)

On the other hand, if I run the script manually from the script editor, or even if I run the "echo" command in a Terminal window, the application *does* receive a NOTE_WRITE immediately.

I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out why file system event notifications would be lost (or not sent) in this situation; it seems oddly specific. I would expect to always get called when the file is changed, or never, but not sometimes-depending-on-who-ran-the-script.

I'd be grateful for any insight.


Rich Siegel                                 Bare Bones Software, Inc.
<>                      <>

Someday I'll look back on all this and laugh... until they sedate me.

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