> Just bought a Minolta Dimage dual II with USB.
> I hope someone can give me some clue why my scans are so dark.

How do you know they are dark? Have you calibrated your monitor!?

> Is that because of i use the original software ?

Probably not

> Do i have to buy Vuescan?.

There's no obligation:)

> Or do i have to change settings.

Most likely. Especially investigate gamma settings, which alter the 
brightness of midtone values whilst leaving the black and white points 
alone. But make sure your monitor is set up properly first. You might find 
some helpful background info at my site which will help you understand.

> Sorry but i am a beginner , perhaps i do not belong here
Of course you do:)


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner 
info & comparisons

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