Al, how have you concluded that the Scan Elite software does all its
calculations on
8 bit data?

Bob Wright

----- Original Message -----
From: Bond, Alistair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 7:33 AM
Subject: filmscanners: RE:

> Henk wrote:
> > Just bought a Minolta Dimage dual II with USB.
> > I hope someone can give me some clue why my
> > scans are so dark.
> Presumably you have switched autoexposure on in the options
> Are there any highlights in the preview that are at 255,255,255, ie
> pure white?  On more than one occasion, I have thought that the
> preview scan was too dark (with autoexposure off) before I noticed
> that there were some highlights were already close to pure white.  In
> these cases, switching on autoexposure does make the general slide
> look more balanced but the increasing exposure has burnt out the
> highlights: where I have needed to retain the highlight detail, I have
> switched autoexposure back off and tweaking the curves or levels in
> Photoshop to compress the highlights and bring up the mid-tones.  (You
> could make these adjustments in the driver software but, if the Dual
> II software is like my Elite software, it does all its calculations on
> 8 bit data so its better to scan out in 16 bit mode and do these in
> Photoshop.)
> If you do a scan and look at the histogram in Photoshop, that should
> help to show whether there is data towards the 255 end.
> Good luck,
> Al Bond

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