Hang on there Tex.  You talking the cool white or the warm
        white?  Keerist!

        I have so many fixtures in my office that if you put a glass
        of water on my desk there would be no shadow.  My boss has a
        phd in physics and wanted to make sure I had enough light.
        The upshot is that I keep HIS lights off and use a few '70s
        lamps from home.
        I was also considering buying a parachute and putting that
        below the lighting to diffuse it all a bit.

Monday, November 06, 2000, 5:07:14 PM, you wrote:

>>     Anyway, I am interested to know what people are doing for
>>     lighting in their own offices?  i.e. the ol' digital darkroom.

AF> 4' fluorescent overheads from HomeDepot with 2 5500k bulbs from Barbizon 
AF> Lighting in each.

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