on 16/1/01 11:28 pm, Rob Geraghty at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Forget it unless what you are after is highly visible grain. If you don't
>> want absolutely appalling grain but want the speed, it is better to push
>> Provia F100 to 400 than to work with straight Provia F400.
> I wondered about this, but it seemed silly that a 100ASA film pushed to
> 400ASA would still have finer grain than a purpose made 400ASA film.
> Apparently
> the increase in grain in 100F isn't that bad.  In which case why did Fuji
> bother making 400F?

shadow detail.

A 400 film has two stops more of it than 100 film pushed to 400, whatever
the grain looks like.

a classic example of newton's third law of thermodynamics restated...
however hard you shake it the last drop always runs down your leg.
Johnny Deadman


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