On Wed, 21 Feb 2001 20:29:32 -0000  Dicky ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Sci-Tex from Israel being probably the best known creative workstation =
> provider today although for really flashy creative work the Quantel =
> Graphics Paintbox would turn a few heads and a few bank balances as well =
> at around =A3300,000 a time.
> Mind you it does take in Dainippon modified files scanned at massive =
> resolution such as to provide 300mb for an A4 image.

Yes, the exact same arguments were advanced for existing dedicated DTP and 
photosetting equipment when Macs arrived with DTP. Fact is, that quality level 
and 'industrial' investment scale just isn't needed for a large proportion of 
print work. The crucial factor is the ability of small, cheap prosumer scanners 
and Photoshop to transfer control back to the designers and photographers. 
Repro houses are going to get hammered again.


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info & 

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