> At 21:15 20-03-01 -0800, you wrote:
> >I find that very interesting, if accurate. Especially after he
> >encouraged the flood of this exact group with literally hundreds, if not
> >thousands, of messages regarding his Vuescan product. He was very
> >willing to use this group to advance his product sales and acquire free
> >public input of valuable suggestions that otherwise he would have had to
> >pay consultants for and free beta testing.
>  >>>>>>>>>>Snipped
> >Art
> Well said Art-I think you've hit the nail right on the head
> Stuart

I would venture to say that the majority of the people that frequent this
group use Vuescan versus the software that came with their scanner. The
comments and suggestions/help that came from the group was two fold , both
users of Vuescan and Ed benefited. Unfortunately Ed left because for the
last month there has been more message traffic that didn't pertain to
scanners or scanning problems than there was for. We all lose with Ed's
departure, even those who don't use VueScan.


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