Dear Mr. Lo,

Simply as a member of this list, I am very pleased to see that Acer has
a member of your company monitoring here, and that you have chosen to
reply to a comment made by Tony.

I do not know how long you or your company have been monitoring here,
but I am sure that some of your current clients of both your 2720 and
2740 scanners who are subscribed here will have some questions as well
as comments for improvement of both your software and hardware, either
publicly or in private email.

Although I do not personally own the scanners your company makes, I
often recommend them to people who are seeking good value for their
money, and I believe your company has helped to improve the marketplace
by providing a reliable product at a reasonable price.  In fact, I have
recently given the local manager of a chain of computer stores here
details about your product, because they are looking to replace their
current low end model with a better product line.

If I might make one suggestion, your company does need to improve its
distribution in Western Canada.  I have yet to see your product in any
store in British Columbia, which makes it more difficult to promote,
since I have had no hands on experience with it.

Anyway, as a subscriber here who tends to promoting good value to people
new to film scanning who do not necessarily have unlimited financial
resources for that purpose, I wish to welcome you to our group.  I wish
more companies would monitor and represent their products here to
liaison information from their clients to their production teams.


Honda Lo wrote:

> Dear Tony,
>           in fact, 2740S compare to 2720S, we improved the A/D from 
> 12bit to 14bit ( all they use ADI product, the best in the suppliers ) 
> to try to get more clear data come in. The other hand is co-work with 
> ASF to have ICE function inside, due to we're not using LED light as our 
> light-source, so we need to scan twice to check the place of dust & 
> scratch. In the S/W, we also improve our MiraPhoto from 1.x to 2.0, 
> especially in Auto-Density function get more easier and also add Mac 
> driver to use. ( Of course, for the expert MiraFhoto is not good enough 
> ). We'd like to see your opinion about our scanner and try to have a 
> review of it. We'll listen to the customer and try to have patch in the 
> future. To be the best " Value of Money " is our insist in this area, 
> we'll continue to prompt more good with good quality and reasonable price.
> Best Regards,
> Honda Lo
> Product Manager / Sales of acer Film Scanner
> acer Communication & Multimedia / PGA
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 10:26 PM
> Subject: Re: filmscanners: AcerScanwit
> On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 16:08:50 -0600  Maris V. Lidaka, Sr.
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>  > Not that many reviews but those that are out there say it works 
> well.  But
>  > apparently VueScan no longer supports it, though it supports the 2720S.
>  From discussion here, the 2740 is the exact same scanner as the 2720, 
> but with
> IR dust elimination tacked on as an extra channel, which requires an extra
> pass, and is not as effective as Nikon/Minolta's implementation. And slower.
> Regards
> Tony Sleep
> <> - Online portfolio 
> & exhibit; + film scanner info &
> comparisons
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