Try and do as much processing as you can in Photoshop. You'll have much 
more control and be able to save at various stages. If you choose not to, 
never sharpen the image during the scan. That should be the last thing you 
do after manipulating in Photoshop. And then it should be "unsharp mask".

But I'm sure you'll be able to read different views on this, and changing 
light bulbs, if you monitor the forum long enough. Everyone has their 
personal work procedure that works for them. And most are willing to share 
that information. That's why this is such a good forum.


>I, m new to this site  so if this has been covered already, I apologized. My
>scanner is the Polaroid Sprintscan 4000 with Insight. I use Photoshop 5.0. I
>would like to produce high quality 11x17 inch prints on my Epson 1200
>printer. My question is...should I use the Insight software for my
>adjustments or just do a basic scan and do most of the adjustments in
>Photoshop? Also should I sharpen the image at all before the final scan or do
>it in Photoshop.

Larry Berman


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