Ed Hamrick wrote:

>I think a bigger problem with warranty repairs is being unable to reproduce
the problem.  Sometimes problems only occur under
rare combinations of operating system, scsi (or usb) controller,
room temperature, or phase of the moon <smile>.

Who hasn't noticed that your car never makes "that funny noise" when you
take it into a repair shop?! :-)

The "unreproducible experiment" may in fact be the bane of our modern
existence. One doesn't know enough to *record* the problem until there *is*
a problem; then, getting the problem to repeat itself sometimes takes
repeating the same steps you took before--most of which you don't remember.
And then *bang!* the problem is back, with no warning!  Trying to explain
the problem then takes it up to the *next* level. And so it goes.

When someone as serious about customer service as Ed Hamrick feels a need to
remark about the problem, we have to realize that it's real, and probably
here to stay. We can only wish that other sw/hw people could learn from that
good example. OTOH, we could also wish that we could solve things a little
easier, without several days' lost work. All in favor of better
problem-solving methods, say "Aye!"

Best regards--LRA

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