I closely examined the calibration port on the negative film area, there is nothing in 
there to interfer.  I also did a little vaucumning of the entry door on the scanwit 
and a squirt of compressed air to remove dust etc that may have found refuge in the 
scanner to no avail.

The yellow/brown on the side of the negative continues.  I will have to try a kodak 
neg next as this was with Fuji 100.


 >>  > I just checked a frame with the problem in Miraphoto 2.0 and it exhibits
 >>  the 
 >>  > same yellow/brown cast down the right hand side on this sky negative.  A
 >>  > difference of up to 12 points blue.

 >>  Double-check that you don't have anything blocking the light path in
 >>  the film holder in the calibration area.

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