
I have few doubts in VueScan please clear them

Please let me know the settings to be made in "Color | Negative Brand" &
"Color | Negative Type" for
Fuji Superia 200/400, Kodak Max 400, Kodak Gold 400.

In VueScan, "Color | Negative Type"  has things like "200 Gen 4"; What does
"Gen 4" stand for?

My another question is also related to VueScan.

Assume that my color space is sRGB and I change the White-Point, Black-point
& Gamma. Do Scan.
Does the profile embedded in to the scanned file  have White-Point,
Black-point & Gamma of sRGB or the one which I set?

What is the mathamatical relation between White-Point of PS and
%White-Point( of VueScan)?
Example: In PS, if I reduce the White-Point to 225; what is it's equivalent
value in VueScan's "Color | White point"?
           Is it (255-225) / 100?


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