
even if I 'rely' on your writing, it still wasn't that obvious what the real
issue was before your last mail. Your behaviour in it is 'uncontrolled' as
if you lost your self-control. As a result it contains personal accusations
and assumptions of which I cannot believe you have any good proof and even
if you did, why write it to the list? It reads like a cartoon now and you
become i.m.o. a caricature in it (like many supposedly adults I know btw. of
which some are on this list too.).

So loosen up!

Although perhaps, you know each other very well and you were just joking
around, teasing your friend Maris! If that's true, then you've got me and
possibly others fooled. ...In that case, keep on! 

Anyway, I always like to read your posts, regardless of how polarised and
colourful they are. Most parts of it have real benefit for me.

And yes, you can see this as a personal attack,
but I can assure you: 
*       I have many problems in which I myself do not keep the amount of
self-control or compassion that I like to have kept, even if it was only to
keep up an appearance of matureness.  
*       Others fight little flame wars in this list too, they were however
not interesting to me, so you were just unlucky.
*       there's no benefit in looking upon my mail as an attack and I do
mean to help (I also like to sting, but I do like to help ;-)
*       I send this to the list, since I think it may prevent some other
list-participants (some LEDs blinking? ;-) to make bad caricatures of
themselves. Of course some of you list members may find it more difficult if
you cannot be as direct as you like... Just remember then that if you don't
want your mail and your image to loose value because of your own words you
should not write personal accusations on somebody's acts or more importantly
intentions etc. in public, even if they are true. (this is how I try to make
my mail less of a personal accusation.... is it working? 8-)

Saint Jerry

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mikael Risedal [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 5:34 PM
> Subject:      Re: filmscanners: VueScan + flat colors
> Maris!!!
> You dont know or try to learn what the real issue is. I have discover that
> something is wrong in VueScan and color space Adobe RGB.
> Read this !!!!!!
> From ED
> Yes, Adobe RGB makes flat colors.  There's probably something I'm
> doing wrong inside VueScan (I may have inverted a matrix wrong).
> Regards,
> Ed Hamrick
> This is not a question about what suits the web or not. Every one knows
> what 
> you are writing about S-RGB and the web. I do... There
> are a problem inside  VueScan to convert and handel color space Adobe RGB.
> The software are optimized in S-RGB .
> I think I rather I let ED Hamrick explain it for you.
> And yes Im working in color space Adobe RGB not S-RGB.
> And if you will learn something from others read what they rely are
> writing. 
>   Puh
> Mikael Risedal
> Photographer
> Lund Sweden
> --
> >From: "Maris V. Lidaka, Sr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: filmscanners: VueScan + flat colors
> >Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 10:02:41 -0500
> >
> >That may be fine for images you intend to post on the web, but by leaving
> >it
> >in the sRGB color space you are limiting the colors available for
> archiving
> >and for printing.  This is also BTW the reason the colors don't look flat
> -
> >because the colors have been compressed.
> >
> >I prefer to scan and leave the image in Bruce or Adobe RGB, and change to
> >sRGB only the copies I intend to post to the web.  The archived scan will
> >remain in a wider color space despite the 'flat' appearance.
> >
> >Maris
> >

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