Do you realise that with the new lower pricing, plus projected rebate,
that buying a *new* SS4000 with a credit card that doubles the mfrs
warranty is close to the same price as buying another two-year service
agreement for the SS4000 I already have?

And, by getting a new SS4000 I get Silverfast as well?

At this rate it looks like it would be better for me to sell my current
SS4000 and buy a new one!

So how are sales of service agreements doing? Is Polaroid going to
reduce the cost to encourage us to continue to buy them?
From: Hemingway, David J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: filmscanners: Filmscanners- comparison of Nikon LS4000
with Canon/Polariod 4000
Date: Sunday, July 01, 2001 1:45 PM

I also hear there will be a $200 end user rebate on the Sprintscan
should be official in the next week.
Don't forget the 30 day "good as gold" money back guarantee if you are
dissatisfied for any reason.

 -----Original Message-----
From:   G3 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   Sunday, July 01, 2001 3:56 PM
Subject:        filmscanners: Filmscanners- comparison of Nikon LS4000 with
Canon/Polariod 4000

Tony, All:
        First, thanks for hosting the Filmscanners list.  I've gotten 
a lot out of it.
        Second, if it's reasonable, I might ask for some help 
retrieving some recent messages comparing the new Nikon LS4000 with 
the new Canon 4000 and the Polaroid SprintScan 4000.  Before taking a 
recent trip, I was trying to pare down my Filmscanners mailbox in 
Eudora and quickly read and trashed a series of these comparative 
        Upon returning, I see that the Polaroid has dropped in price 
to about $900 (US), which makes it well worth looking at; the 
SprintScan also bundles the Silverfast Ai software.  Recently, the 
new Canon has come in at about that price.  As I recall, the messages 
on Filmscanners were not as complimentary about the Canon as the 
Nikon but there are positive reviews at that 
describes all 3 scanners.
        My use will be to scan for archive, and for high resolution 
prints (Epson 1270 up to A3), of some valuable older Kodachrome (a 
few Ectachrome) slides.  I'll also be scanning new slides and 
negatives.  Most are in good shape (fairly clean, a few dust spots 
but seldom scratches); I use an airbrush to clean off dust as well as 
possible.  I tried a demo Nikon LS-30 for a week and got some good 
Kodachrome scans with color saturation using VueScan as well as the 
Nikon software, but decided to wait for a 4000 dpi scanner.
        My intended use probably is not too different from many on 
the list, any comments on the comparison of the scanners will be of 

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