To Ian Lyons
from Mikael Risedal

I wrote before!

I think you shall try Nikon LS4000 with Silverfast before a judgment like 
you have done..    ( read Ians conclusion below )
Or was your comparison between the scanners including Nikon LS 4000 and 
Silverfast 5.2 1 rev04 ??

I didn't get any answer so I try again

Ian!    On what grounds can you make a statement like you have done?? Please 
send me some test pictures showing the
advantage of Polaroid scanners over the Nikon Scanner . .Im thrilled to know 
the difference between the 2 scanners using the
same software = Silverfast.

Mikael Risedal

Ian wrote
>The SS120 produces superior 35mm scans to the SS4000 and wipes the floor 
>with the 4000ED. If the 8000 scans anything like the 4000ED then I'm real 
>sorry for you Nikon users. The SS120 comes mighty close to Imacon quality

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