I can't imagine that anyone would "enjoy" reading about the financial trouble of
an organization.  Good jobs are at stake and investors are exposed to high
risk.  I sincerely hope, and believe, Polaroid will find their way out of this.
You're right Lynn, Polaroid is a "gutsy" company and it has made many
contributions to the photographic community.  As soon as the current situation
stabilizes, as I believe it will, I plan to acquire a 120 and not at a fire


Lynn Allen wrote:

> Rafe wrote:
> >In all fairness, I suspect Polaroid will
> >find some way to continue operations.
> I would hope so--they're one of the "gutsiest" companies we have left in the
> USA. A long-time favorite.
> >Maybe they'll just get bought out and
> >assimilated into some new mega upstart.
> I don't think Kodak is strong enough (or willing) to do so--this might be a
> test of my prognosticatory powers...if it happens, someone can tell me "I
> told you so." :-)
> >Sad to see American manufacturing concerns
> >in such a sad state.
> Totally agreed, Rafe. Not that they didn't partialy bring it on themselves
> (but I'd select Polaroid as exception to that). IMHO, what the cure would be
> is a world-wide "minimum wage law" that would put everyone on a more-level
> playing field. Something like that might bring all workers up to something
> comparable to EU and Japanese standards--American workers would appreciate
> the raise, probably. And I'm already sorry I brought it up. ;-)
> Best regards--LRA
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