on 7/13/01 1:39 PM, Austin Franklin wrote:

>> It just strikes me as weird that nobody makes a scanner for doing
>> 35mm/MF contacts a roll at a time. A purpose-built low-spec unit for
>> <$300US-ish would sell well, I think. 3-400ppi would be plenty.
> I have been using an Epson 836XL with transparency adapter for making
> contact sheets for a while now.  It's 800ppi, and tabloid size.  I couldn't
> find anything cheaper or smaller that handled a roll of negatives in
> ViewFile or PrintFile sheets.  It really works very very well.

Austin posted this a few weeks ago. I think I'd like to go this route for
myself. If any of you happen to know of an Epson 836XL with transparency
adapter for sale, I'd be grateful to hear about it.

Nothing on ebay...


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