> Rob, I want IT-8 calibration because I'm color blind and I want to reduce
> number of variables I have to deal with.  In theory, any of my calibrated
> scanners can be used to scan the same slide and the final files will all
> nearly identical.

I'm similarly afflicted and I went through a similar process, but in the end
I just preffered the results and simplicity of Vuescan. I also found I had
some serious noise problems in some Silverfast scans that didn't seem nearly
as bad in Vuescan. I am pretty certain digital cameras are not individually
calibrated but many of these manage realistic colour.

> Once again, my goal is to keep things as consistent as possible so that I
> do the final tweaking "by the numbers".

I tend to use numbers to check the colour balance (and sometimes my daughter
is final colour control)


P.S. When I did Art 'O' level the examiner commented "Interesting use of

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