Report it on the Photoshop forum that's hosted by Adobe:
and you can try this forum. It is monitored by some of Adobe's people:


>I've tried everything you've suggested with regards to the clone tool and it
>still will not work.  PS has been re installed twice, the settings have been
>reset oodles of times, I've feathered, I've changed brushes, I've even tried
>speaking to it, nothing seems to work.
>As Praben mentioned earlier if I use a brush that's about 600 pixels
>diamater, it works as if it were 300 pixels (or less). I then change the
>cursor to "precise" in the properties menu and it "works."  At least this
>way it isn't pixel by pixel and I know where the clone is landing. Still
>that doesn't mean things are back to normal.
>I should mention that when we re installed PS the second time the clone tool
>worked for one click but then it went back to its old habit.
>So if any one has any more clues as to what it could be, please please let
>me know.

Larry Berman


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