There have been some bugs in Silverfast 5.5 and the CMS settings. Update  to 
5.5.0 r 16. ( you find it at
Silverfast home page)  I have no trouble with my MAC G4 and LS2000, LS4000.

Best regards Mikael Risedal

>From: Les Berkley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: filmscanners: Serious SilverFast Frustration
>Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 20:57:54 -0400
>Hello all!
>I simply cannot make SilverFast work well. (Version 5.5.0r14, NK LS-2000,
>Mac OS 9.1, PS 6.0.1) Negatives scan with a nasty green cast and are 
>too dark and muddy. I have set up color management correctly in PS; I
>believe I have also done so in SF (the manual is gibberish, but a
>knowledgeable user kindly assisted me). I have read Ian's clear and logical
>tutorials. I have carefully chosen perfectly exposed negs with a wide color
>range. I have tried every one of the settings available.
>SilverFast costs something absurd like $350 US to support ONE scanner
>family. VueScan costs $40 US to support scanners I never heard of! All of
>them! And it WORKS! It's ugly as a warthog, about as intuitive as, well,
>SilverFast, but it by God works! Yes, we could use profiles for some new
>Fuji films (I bet Kodak has that data available by now.), and a slide or 
>would do not harm, but the damn thing FUNCTIONS. (Even though Ed seems to
>have hired SilverFast's tech writers...)
>If anyone can explain how to make NegaFix actually fix something, I would
>appreciate it very much.

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