on 11/20/01 2:26 PM, Bill Fernandez at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> At 9:44 AM -0500 20-11-01, Bruce Kinch wrote:
>> Perhaps it's worth noting that Kodak now provides "curved field"
>> projection lenses as standard for normal (cardboard, presumably)
>> mounted slides in their Carousel projectors, but their older "flat
>> field" design is recommended for glass mounted transparencies.
> BF: If memory serves correctly this has been the case at least since
> the 1970's.  Curved field lenses were standard, and flat field lenses
> were special orders.

Actually, I think the problem is that Kodak's original lenses curved the
opposite way the film did, exaggerating the out of focus edge effects. The
flat field lenses corrected this to a much improved image. Accidentally
showing a slide reversed often meant sharp corners, but writing that was
backwards, etc.

Jim (old-timer) Snyder

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