----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Spirer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 4:58 AM
Subject: filmscanners: SS120 Grain Problem

> I'm having problems with grain with the Polaroid SS120.  This can be seen
> in the sample at:
> http://www.spirer.com/images/grain.jpg
> This is from a 6x7 neg scanned at 2880, unsharpened.  I get far less grain
> with my Epson 1640

It seems logic that the 1640 doesnīt shop that much of it, it is not sharp

This leaves me thoughful.. Because it is a little bit what I experienced -
so far - with my Nikon LS40 . Slides scan just fine, but b&w seems to always
emphathize grain (specially one Delta 100 film has been developped in
Rodinal and it is unuseable for printing, grain is just too strong). And it
is exactly what a guy in an News group who mainly prints traditionally (wet)
told me: That scanning tends to bring up grain specially in b&w negatives.

I have been planning to buy an  MF scanner in the near future - possibly the
Polaroid or the Minolta PRO - but as I am mainly doing b&w, I wonder whether
it is not the better way to go the traditional way in the darkroom and buy
maybe a midrange flatbed like the new Epson 2450...

I īd really be interested what the others here on the list have experienced
concerning grain in b&w negatives.

Greetings Bernhard

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