In a message dated 12/17/2001 11:46:30 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> I have some sample images which demonstrate that 7.3.5 is actually worse 
>  than 7.3.4, at least for the above combination of color spaces.
>  <>

This is just too complicated for me - there are lots of different color
space conversions, screen captures, Photoshop conversions, etc.

The simplest thing to do is to preview an image with
"Color|Monitor color space" set to "Adobe RGB" (gamma 1.8)
then preview it immediately again with "Apple RGB" (gamma 2.2).

The gamma 1.8 preview is darker than the gamma 2.2 preview.
That's how it's supposed to work.

A separate issue is to determine why the Photoshop window
looks different from the VueScan Scan window.  This is
controlled by how you have your monitor profiled, whether
you've given the right monitor profile to Mac OS / Photoshop,
and whether Photoshop is set up properly.

It would be useful if someone could do this same test using
Photoshop on Windows.  The Scan window in VueScan
should look very similar to the image in Photoshop.

Ed Hamrick

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