In a message dated 12/18/2001 9:33:40 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> First of all, based on the way the film holders work, it's physically
>  impossible to scan a piece of medium format film in the way you're
>  describing.  That is, unless you cut up the film in 24mm wide sections and
>  use the 35mm holder.  

The hardware is perfectly capable of scanning a 40 mm wide piece
of Medium Format film at 4800 dpi using the medium format film
holders.  The key is that the lens moves in and out - it can scan
60 mm width at 4800 dpi or 40 mm width at 3200 dpi.

An existance proof of this capability is VueScan - set
"Device|Mode" to either "MF 4800 dpi" or "MF 3200 dpi".

>  Also, on the subject of interpolation, it's debatable whether or not the
>  Scan Multi Pro is doing interpolation (as people usually think of it) to
>  reach 4800 dpi with medium-format film.

It certainly is interpolating the CCD data from 3200 dpi to 4800 dpi.

> Because it
>  actually extracts more information from the film at 4800 dpi than it does 
>  3200 dpi.

The stepper motor steps at 4800 dpi in this case.  The stepper
motor is actually capable of 9600 dpi stepping, and uses a divisor
of 2 to step at 4800 dpi and 3 to step at 3200 dpi.

Ed Hamrick

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