There are no difference in my MAC  between the scan window in Vuescan and 
later on in photoshop.

Mikael Risedal


>Subject: Re: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.5 color space bug?
>Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 09:47:32 EST
>In a message dated 12/17/2001 11:46:30 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > I have some sample images which demonstrate that 7.3.5 is actually worse
> >  than 7.3.4, at least for the above combination of color spaces.
> >
> >  <>
>This is just too complicated for me - there are lots of different color
>space conversions, screen captures, Photoshop conversions, etc.
>The simplest thing to do is to preview an image with
>"Color|Monitor color space" set to "Adobe RGB" (gamma 1.8)
>then preview it immediately again with "Apple RGB" (gamma 2.2).
>The gamma 1.8 preview is darker than the gamma 2.2 preview.
>That's how it's supposed to work.
>A separate issue is to determine why the Photoshop window
>looks different from the VueScan Scan window.  This is
>controlled by how you have your monitor profiled, whether
>you've given the right monitor profile to Mac OS / Photoshop,
>and whether Photoshop is set up properly.
>It would be useful if someone could do this same test using
>Photoshop on Windows.  The Scan window in VueScan
>should look very similar to the image in Photoshop.
>Ed Hamrick

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