You should always uninstall the Windows versions and also run the
regsweep utilitity in the Utils folder of that versions download, then
install the new version after reboot.

James Grove
ICQ 99737573

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Enoch's Vision,
Inc. (Cary Enoch R...)
Sent: 19 December 2001 19:23
Subject: RE: filmscanners: Nikon Scan V3.1.2 For Windows and MAC

> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Shunith Dutt 
> must bookmark nikontech.... BTW... you mentioned ages ago that you 
> weren't having hassles on a dual processor after doing a fresh 
> install(am i right?) of w2k and then installing NS.... just for your 
> info... last week i reformatted and did a completely fresh install of 
> w2k.... also installed NS 3.1.1 but too terrified to try it :) Now 
> that i've downloaded 3.1.2 i don't know what to do... uninstall 3.1.1 
> or over install? How did you go about it?

So far I've successfully avoided reinstalling Win2K. I just don't have
the time to reinstall all my apps, re-do the performance tweaks and
whatnot. I've done a lot of performance hacks in the registry and don't
want to repeat all those either. 

You can often refresh a Win2K installation by: 1) reinstalling major
device drivers; 2) reinstalling the latest version of IE plus any
associated Service Packs; and 3) refreshing system files by running the
command "SFC /Scannow" from a Command Prompt window. Those were the only
steps that I took to correct problems in my Win2K installation. So far,
it's been running since March 2000 without needing to be reinstalled.

The newest version of NikonScan no longer requires you to uninstall the
earlier version. Just extract the files, run Setup and you're done. 

Cary Enoch Reinstein aka Enoch's Vision, Inc., Peach County, Georgia -- "Behind all these manifestations is the
one radiance, which shines through all things. The function of art is to
reveal this radiance through the created object." ~Joseph Campbell

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