Ned Nurk wrote:

> Hi Guys, hope you had a good xmas and are going to have a few beers tonight!
> I am about to archive a lot of large raw scans to CD and I was just
> wondering if there is any CD cover creation program that can put thumbnails
> & filenames up there automatically. (at the moment it looks like i would
> have to change resolution, convert to jpeg, add each image and title
> manually - not something i could every be arsed to do)
> There must be something out there for doing just this? (BTW, this is a
> Windows 2000 system
> cheers
> catchy

Can you use the 'Contact Sheet' function of Photoshop?...I think it does what you want.

File>Automate>Contact Sheet II
(on a Mac in PS6)

Harvey Ferdschneider
partner, SKID Photography, NYC

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