
> A man of God speaks...and having spoken speaks yet again and no doubt in due
> course will perform a miracle which migh, with any luck at all, include
> keeping his mouth well and truly shut more often than before....
> Now sod off you jerk

Can you stop this please? This is an email list, not a house of
parliament. Swearing and offensive wording is inappropriate here. I
bet you wouldn't have said the words you've just written if it had
been in a face-to-face argument, so please don't use them here either.

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Austin Franklin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please note that Austin's email was sent to your private address, not
the list, and you published it without his consent. This isn't good
practice, probably even illegal.

Let this thread rest in peace once and for all.


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