> My first scans had a darker line of a few pixels at about 1/3 of the

"My" darker line is at about 1/3 of the frame too. My scanner worked for 3
months without problem. Then i saw the three colored lines the first time.
Next morning the lines were gone again. Then after some time the colored
lines came back and never vanished "from alone". Scanner was repaired by
Canon. They changed the scanner assembly. Scanner came back and scans were
OK. Now i have trouble again. Not three seperate lines, but one darker line
at about 1/3 of the frame again. I think the error is at the same position
as before, but i have no evidence. Which bloody devil puts this grain of
dust at the same position twice?

The scanner is already on the way to Canons repair center. I hope that
german transport service doesn't shake the box too hard...

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