"Austin Franklin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You should either get raw data from the scanner, or do the setpoints/tonal
> curves "correctly" in the scanner software.  Keep in mind, every time you
> re-do setpoints/tonal curves, you are degrading the data.  It's just a
> of how setpoints/tonal curves work.  What the significance of that
> degradation is, will vary greatly, so it may not be *that* bad...but why
> things twice when you can do them right the first time?

Are you saying this applies when using Vuescan - especially with negs?  Or
are you assuming the sort of interface that Nikonscan provides?

> > Getting the *right* 24
> > bits can sometimes better be done with an image editing program than the
> > scanner's interface.
> I understand that some scanner software is lacking, and that is where you
> simply should get raw data from the scanner, and learn how to do a better
> job of setpoints and tonal curves in PS.

OK, then I think we agree?  Other than what you mean by "raw data".  I
wouldn't ever attempt to use an editor (I don't own PS by the way) to do
what Vuescan does to go from the raw scanner output from a neg to produce a
positive image.


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