Tony Sleep wrote:
[about complaints, adverse signal/noise ratio, members running
away screaming, gene pool shrinking, incest setting in...]

> I suspect the the original motivation for the list, the exploration
> of what was new territory 5yrs ago, is now obsolete. Film scanning
> is now sufficiently familiar, current hardware and software is now
> competent enough to have run out of big questions. All that's left
> is nit-picking angels-on-the-head-of-a-pin stuff, interspersed by
> axe-grinding.

I agree the subject has lost its piquancy, and for those reasons.

> This is undoubtedly my lazy-arsed fault, or at least my
> I no longer provide the stimulus of review material since the effort
> was wrecking my precarious freelance livelihood. I seldom
> contribute, since I'm bored with answering questions that have
> come up 20 times before and usually progress to a spiral of
> nit-picking vituperation. I haven't even shot any film for 6months.
> Scanning old film is something I am going to be doing for some
> years yet, but new material is easier and better produced on digital
> camera. E6 is already ebbing. Apart from a dwindling pool of
> film diehards and archivists, this is how it is going to be for

Hey Tony, don't carry that guilt! You don't owe anything to the list,
we all owe you!

[moderation, ignoring, killfiling...]

> I am considering closing the list entirely, as filmscanning is now
> just another tool in the box. As such, the Prodig list, or various
> lists or forums, may support better-balanced debate.

If you do shut down the list I won't blame you. What you've done for
me -- through your scanner reviews and this list -- has been terrific.
Thanks for doing it!

Peter Marquis-Kyle
list member since February 1999

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