First, unless you have a really high end flat panel monitor, costing in the
$1000 us range, you will have difficulty calibrating and profileing the
monitor display.  Current consumer and prosumer models of flat panel
displays tend not to lend themselves to calibrating and profiling with the
prosumer monitor calibration and profiling programs and devices on the
market today, which work best with CTRs.  The problem is that the color
shifts on flat panel displays as one changes one's viewing angle; and the
current prosumer calibrating and monitoring programs and devices cannot get
an accurrate measure off of them.

Second, I am not all that familiar with Photoshop Elements enough to say
what it has and can do versus Photoshop; but Photoshop Elements was neither
designed nor intended for professional use by photographers or artists.  It
was intended to compete with the hobbyist consumer level image editiing
programs on the market.  I would assume that it does not have many of the
color management features of Photoshop since it was targeted to those who
intend to merely edit and print theriown image files for themselves and for
distribution via web mostly and via print occassionally to others and not
for those who demand accurrate color management between multiple users and
systems such as those who produce images for printing on commercial presses
or for sale in galleries.

Thirdly, generic monitor profiles typically come from the monitor
manufacturer and not Adobe; and generic printer profiles usually come from
the printer manufacturer and are based on use of their inks and papers only.
Custom monitor profiles are generally done either by the user or a custom
profile maker for a specific brand and model monitor; but their quality will
vary depending on if the monitor is a CRT or a flat panel and will need to
be reularly updated as the monitor ages over time if the monitor is a CRT.
For printers, custom profiles ordinarily are made professionally by third
partys and are based and dependent on the specific paper and ink
combinations being used.  Each change in inks (and sometimes ink lot) or
media will necessitate its own profile.  ICC profiles are merely made using
ICC standards; but they work the same as any other type of profile.

Welcome to the wide world of high tech where nothing is simple, nothing of
quality is turnkey, and only in the world of advertising hype are things
push button automated.  Now for the less demanding who are willing to
compromise and accept merely satisfactory quality and color management, some
semblance of autopmation and turnkey operation is available; but not for the
demanding professional, commercially targeted, or high end operation.  This
is why many of the professional high end big operations need to maintain
professional technical experts on staff to keep the digital workflow going
smoothly and with some efficiency not to mention accurrately.  This was also
the case in the old analog world once one got into the professional and
commercial operations.  Photo labs had to run daily test runs to make sure
that everything was calibrated and up to quality levels some times two times
a day.  Printing press operatiors would have to constantly tweak the
presses. Artists would constantly test paints and medium to make sure that
what they gat was what they wanted and would work together.

> on 7/13/04 7:54 PM, Berry Ives at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> on 7/13/04 8:47 AM, Bernie Kubiak at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Berry,
>>> That's a question to toss to the folks at Adobe.  Unless you're
>>> doing real critical work, you probably don't need the profiles
>>> (sounds like heresy, I know).  Getting custom profiles done can be
>>> an expensive proposition.
>>> Bernie
>>> Berry Ives wrote:
>>>> Here is Epson's response:
>>>>> Photoshop Elements has a certail level of color control built in
>>>>> to the application but i not advanced enough to handle the full
>>>>> capabiities of ICC profiles.  Photoshop Elements 2 has slightly
>>>>> more support, but the full range of features and ways to apply
>>>>> the profiles is not available in the Elements version of
>>>>> Photoshop.  To use the ICC profiles correctly, you would need to
>>>>> be useing certified ICC profiiles in conjunction with a program
>>>>> that is certified to handle ICC profiles.
>>>> So this would mean that I would need to upgrade to the full PS.
>>>> Has anyone else used ICC profiles with Elements?  On a Mac or PC?
>>>> Berry
>> Hi Bernie,
>> Frankly, I don't know how to ask the folks at Adobe anything.  They
>> have a useless forum where there is a lot of chatter about all kinds
>> of details that the software folks should have automated long ago in
>> my opinion.
>> You go to the profiles area, and you have one option for Macs:
>> download a
>> 4.2MB thing that may have nothing that I need.  There is no info or
>> selectivity provided about what you might need.
>> I am really pissed at how hard it is to do just this simple thing:
>> -using a Mac G4 with adequate memory
>> -using a Mac flat panel monitor
>> -using PS Elements
>> -using an Epson 2200
>> -using a standard Epson paper
>> to make the image on the screen match the printed image.  Now, is
>> that so bad?
>> All of that, one would think, would have been easily automated by
>> now.  But instead, I am asked to buy $600 software from Adobe, or a
>> few hundred to develop custom profiles (for standard products) or
>> various and other sundry gyrations.  You know, I am a photo artist,
>> not a GD computer jock, and frankly, all the computereze stuff bores
>> me to hell.
>> Sorry to dump, but why is this so hard?  I don't even know really if
>> buying the full PS will solve this simple task.  What do you think?
>> Berry
> I should have said, to be technically correct, "to make the image
> from the printer match the image on the screen."
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