There are a good half a dozen new technologies waiting in the wings to
supersede LCD panels.  It is one of the reasons LCD panels are dropping
rapidly, and CRT are literally not being made anymore (as I understand
it the manufacturers, which are all in Asia, are pretty much working on
leftover stock and warehouses of parts with nothing new being made in
the high end at all).

The few complaints people have about LCD screens, will be overcome with
these new technologies which bring LCD to shame.

There will continue to be a market for scanner for paper documents and a
slim one for specialized film scanners.  I'm expecting one more
generation of film scanners, incorporating full frame sensors of some
sort (maybe three chip) which will be very fast, and probably be
available to commercial establishments.

I have nothing against fixing monitors, since they are such
environmental disasters to make, power more than anything, discard. They
flicker, release radiation, are large and heavy, and they wear out, in
general more rapidly that newer technologies.  I do wonder what will
happen to the many millions of TV's test equipment and monitors which
employ CRT once they are considered obsolete.


lists wrote:
> I had a hell of a time finding a decent non-trinitron CRT monitor to
> buy. I ended up getting my Nokia 445x pro repaired, after spending hours
> finding a real monitor repair shop versus stores that just front for the
> repair shop.
> Arthur Entlich wrote:
>>The days of demand crunches causing price increases on basically
>>obsolete products is over.  It almost never occurs anymore, because
>>people recognize the next generation or product is usually cheaper and
>>offers more options.  If you honestly believe, for instance, CRT
>>monitors are going to become pricey as they stop manufacture, I've got
>>some to sell you ;-)

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