I am trying to insert some Unicode characters from the Microsoft character
map into text blocks in a Finale document.  I say trying because so far I
have been unable to do so.

The particular application is a work, the third in a series, by a French
composer.  I am engraving a set of parts.  The old existing score has a
title with a "3" followed by the lowercase letter "e" with a dot or period
underneath it.  This is, I believe, a standard French abbreviation for
"troisieme" (third).  I can't get that e with the dot to print.  The
Microsoft character map shows it as "AltU+1EB9".  When I try to type that,
Finale beeps at me.

Right now I am using "3eme" but it doesn't look right.  Should it be "3me"
instead?  Can any French speakers suggest the proper way to accomplish this,
short of either translating the title or spelling the word in full?  Or can
someone tell me how to import this character?

Guy Hayden, Minister of Music
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
372 Hiden Boulevard
Newport News, Virginia 23606

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