Has anyone tried this upgrade for Finale with EPS improvement?

The good news is that we are now in the final stages of testing Finale
2004c for Macintosh. Finale 2004c adds the ability to create EPS files to
Finale 2004, and more specifically, to embed Type1 and PostScript fonts.
Additionally, if you don't have Type1 fonts installed in OSX, but do have
them installed in a Classic system folder on your machine, 2004c will
still embed the Type1 fonts. Just like previous versions of Finale, it
does not embed TrueType or other font types. Other improvements in 2004c
are very limited and relate mostly to EPS, PS printing, or issues related
to 2 byte fonts. A complete list of what has been improved will be
included in the Read-Me file that accompanies the general release.

Giovanni Andreani

Finale mailing list

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