Hi Stig,

I'm a fan of Quickeys....I think Brad had a link in one of his previous posts on this topic that has a lot of good ideas. It took a bit to reprogram my shortcuts from OS 9 to OS X because the program is much different in OS X. But I'm very happy with the most recent version of Quickeys.

I have a keyboard overlay that I created to go on my "F" keys. I have three "rows" of shortcuts programmed on my F keys. No modifiers used for the first row except that I have avoided programming the keys that Expose uses. Then another two more rows with modifier. (i.e. F1, opt-F1, ctrl-F1) the overlay serves as a cheat sheet. I have the Finale tool palate programmed on the F keys so it is really fast to switch between tools. There are also shortcuts that I programmed using regular key commands that I assigned to something I could remember easily...for example, my File Info is programmed to opt-F.

It took some time to do all of this but it pays off greatly in speed while working with Finale.




I have just switched from PC to Mac (OsX) and I'm wondering if the macusers of this list find them self's using the mouse a lot?
Let me give an ex.: From the File Menu I want to go to the File Info box. When I used PC I could just type Alt,+f+i . In Mac I have to use the mouse. Is this the way it's done?

Kind Regards
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Karen Guthery
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