At 03:59 AM 10/30/2004, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:
>FWIW, its a Windows machine, so "Carbon Copy is not an available option,
>and I'm unaware of a similar product in the Windows world.

I'm not sure exactly what Carbon Copy does, but there are lots of types of backup software for Windows; Dennis has given you several pointers. I think of them in three general types: (1) traditional backup software, like Backup MyPC ( ), (2) realtime backup, like Second Copy ( ), and ghosting software, like Norton Ghost.

>Get the boot drive just exactly the way I want it,
>then burn the image to a bootable DVD-ROM.  Boot from the DVD.  Goodbye
>worries about corrupted boot sectors, virii, and worms.   Most immediate
>hurdle of this for me is that I don't yet own a DVD burner, and I doubt
>that OS (even an old one) and all of the files from applications that
>have to reside on the boot drive could be burned onto a CD.

Not to mention the fact that the contents of your boot drive will change. At a minimum, the OS needs write access to the registry.

In addition to the other suggestions you've received, you might want to check out SpinRite from . This is an app with an almost cultlike following that can fix all kinds of low-level corruption. If you have a working machine on which you can download it and put it on a floppy, it wouldn't entirely surprise me if it could fix your boot sector issues on your broken drive.


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