Antwort auf Nachricht:
@A@ schrieb am @D@
On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 16:37:43 +0100, Urs Liska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As a workaround I thought of adjusting the page size and export the
whole page, so I know exactly how large the picture is and which borders
I have.
But this seems to be messy either. As fas as I can see, I cannot change
the size of an existing page (in order to adjust it to the example), but
only for newly created pages. I would then have to measure my example,
create a new page and copy the music to the new page.
This seems to be a totally unacceptable behaviour.

You can change the size of an existing page with the Page Layout tool

Hmmm. Very embarassing indeed... Thank you very much Urs

Page size.

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