Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

At 05:31 AM 2/23/05 -0600, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

you could please address the issue of what benefits you see arising from your proposal to merging what is currently the list of the text subset of the expression tool, with the list of the text tool.

I think merging all the text-like types is long overdue.

Characters are characters, individually or combined. Folding together the
text, expression, articulation, chord, lyric, clef, and time signature
tools into a multifunction toolbar with a consistent interface seems ideal
to me.

I understand you point, that the interface to these tools might well bear some modification, and perhaps unification. However, there is a difference between the interface, the dialog box(es) and the objects upon which they operate. One can certainly have different tools that operate on the same object, and different objects acted on by the same tool. But just because the objects are acted on by the same tool, even if they happened to look the same, doesn't autmatically and necessarily demand that they be part of the same list.

This is what both Jef and you seem to propose, and while I"ve not yet made up my mind relative to a single tool for all text items, neither you, Jef did not originally, and you do not in your supporting post, address the issue of merging the lists that Jef seems to propose.

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