On Feb 28, 2005, at 8:41 AM, Christopher Smith wrote:

In a message dated 02/28/2005 12:42:28 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Part of the problem is the notation you are dealing with; writing swing
rhythms as dotted-eighth/sixteenth is a very old notation, and you
almost never see it any more in modern works. Unless the arranger or

One more thing I forgot to mention, unrelated to your problem.

In Mail in Mac OSX, I can't reply to your message! The reply window refuses to come up through command-r or the Reply item in the mene, and I ended up copying your text, address and subject into a new message. It's only YOUR message; other messages reply fine. The behaviour is identical even after restarting Mail, and after rebooting my Mac. However, after restarting Mail, I see all the attempts I made to reply, but without quoted text.

Weird, or what?

Anybody else out there with Mail can confirm? This only applies to your most recent message, not the first one.


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